Sunday, June 26, 2011

Great Wall of China

We are now authentic heroines. We have climbed the Great Wall! We travelled 1 1/2 hours to the Badaling Hills where the Great Wall is strung like Christmas lights throughout the steep mountain peaks and valleys and dotted with guard towers rather than twinkling lights. At the base of the Badaling entrance Iowa introduced us to our two ascent options as "hard and harder." We chose harder for the promise of lighter crowds. 45 minutes later we reached the highest tower in this section of the wall having climbed steep, uneven, ladder-like stairs and harder roller coaster grade ramp-like sections. The mountain views were striking in their elegant simplicity highlighted by the snaking barrier stretching to infinity.
Our cool-down for the afternoon included a one-mile stroll along The Sacred Way of the Ming Tombs. This sacred way is lined with bookended stone sculptures including warriors, elephants, camels, horses and additional essential elements worthy of the 13 great Ming emperors entombed in this area.
The day was topped-off with a Beijing (Peking) duck dinner followed by two short Beijing (Peking) Opera performances. It is considered one of China's precious treasures and was a treat to experience. Another highlight of the day was a jade carving factory. The jade that appealed to us were exquisitely carved museum-like pieces in the $20,000-plus category. The complexity and beauty of these belong on some seven-wonder list.

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