Our only desire for the day was to barbecue in our own backyard, which for us meant popping over to The Frying Pan at Pier 66a. An unexpected detour up to 110th street (to deliver homemade split pea soup) momentarily thwarted our plan until we realized we could simply park-hop our way downtown - Morningside to Riverside to Hudson River.

New Yorkers found every excuse to get out today: kayaking, biking, hiking, sunning, eating, skateboarding, strolling, sailing and sporting from volleyball to baseball were bursting along the waterfront.

It's Oktoberfest at the Boat Basin Cafe so we stopped in for a mid-point refresher, though we skipped the bratwurst. It's a great place to peer down at the peddlers passing by or to tuck-in under the eaves of the castle-like domed ceilings. Dogs are welcome and the two unruly ones that vied with the waiters for a morsel were not turned away.

We sauntered southward and my weary feet were rewarded with a fountain drink on fall-cooled pavers.

And eventually, yes, we made it home, well nearly, and trudged into the Frying Pan where we sampled seating until we settled on the top deck of the port side craft as the sun ducked behind New Jersey.