The Action/Abstraction exhibit at the Jewish Museum at 92nd and 5th Avenue was enough of a lure to get us uptown and to reel Bill into the city for the last day of summer. And it had us perfectly positioned for a romp in the park. We entered at 105th Street through the gates of the Conservatory Garden, Central Park's only formal garden. The sunflowers buzzed amidst the bee-covered Zinnias all lit up against the cerulean sky. We savored moments in audience with the three graces before moving on to the wisteria vine covered pergola.

Bill and Benedicta mounted the steps to take in the view while I skipped over to the ladies room where three young ladies in waiting wrapped a long white sequined gown on a bride-to-be in the first stall. When I tripped up the stairs on the opposite side of the pergola to meet up with B&B I encountered an entire wedding party blocking my path in the act of wedding. Not one to backtrack, I climbed the back wall and tiptoed along behind them. Benedicta came to my rescue (it was a long jump down) while Bill looked off at the scenery as if he'd never met me (though I know he's glad he did).

Our next jaunt was a hapless foray into The North Woods in search of the waterfall. By some miracle we came across it despite our wrong turns. And on and on we walked until there was no more park to play in.